How to Embed YouTube video in Ghost Blog?
Videos are a nice way to make your blog posts more appealing. Sometimes you may want to add videos in your blog posts. There are some ways using which you can add videos in your blog posts.
Videos are a nice way to make your blog posts more appealing. Sometimes you may want to add videos in your blog posts. There are some ways using which you can add videos in your blog posts.
You have put up so much work and time into creating your great Ghost Blog. Naturally, you would want to make sure that the content of your Blog is protected. To ensure your Blog's content is safe, you need to backup your Ghost Blog continually.
Besides adding normal Blog posts, a blogging platform should have features needed to create static pages such as "About", "Contact", "Terms of Use", etc. There are many other types of static pages that are sometimes required to be added.
Every Blog post that you write and publish using Ghost can be accessed from a URL. Ghost generates URL based on the Title of your Blog post. Let's say the title of one of your posts is "Making still photography more innovative.".
One of the common needs of most of the Bloggers is to be able to easily format their Blog posts without requiring much knowledge of HTML. To meet this need, Blogging platforms support WYSIWYG editors of some sort or another, either by default or with the help of plug-ins.