Using the Ghost's Markdown editor

One of the common needs of most of the Bloggers is to be able to easily format their Blog posts without requiring much knowledge of HTML. To meet this need, Blogging platforms support WYSIWYG editors of some sort or another, either by default or with the help of plug-ins. WYSIWYG editors assist you in visually editing the HTML for your post.

Ghost, by default, does not support any WYSIWYG editor. It uses Markdown to generate HTML from the text entered by you. Ghost's Markdown editor utilizes a set of symbols to understand how you want to format your post. If you write some text between asterisks(*), for instance *Emphasize this*, the text between the asterisks will be italicized using the HTML <em> tag.

In this guide, we will show you Markdown shortcuts for some of the commonly used HTML formatting tags. The image below shows the Markdown text and the corresponding HTML preview of each of the following in Ghost editor:

  • Bold (** Bold **)
  • Emphasized (* Emphasized *)
  • Inline code (`code`)
  • Strike-through (~~ strike-through ~~)
  • Link ([Title](http://)
  • Blockquote (> Blockquote)

Ghost Markdown example Bold, Italic, Link, etc.


The next image shows heading tags (h1 to h6) implemented in Ghost Markdown. You can see that # symbol is used before the text. Markdown uses one # symbol for h1 tag, two # symbols for h2 tag, and so on. You can get the full list of Markdown shortcuts by clicking on the ? icon at the top-right of the Markdown editor.

Ghost Markdown heading tags h1, h2, h3, etc.

You can use these useful shortcuts to format your Blog posts more efficiently.


How to add Images in Ghost using Markdown?

How to install Ghost on Windows?


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