Pydio vs ownCloud: Comparison and Review

You should compare Pydio and ownCloud to find out and know about the storage and sync capabilities, sharing, collaboration, ease of use, performance, security, and encryption features available in Pydio and ownCloud in detail before you choose a cloud storage platform for your needs.

Pydio and ownCloud are open source softwares which you can use for storing your files and data at a central location and sync them with your laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. Using Pydio or ownCloud, you can also share your files with other your friends or user groups. Both Pydio and ownCloud are built using similar technologies and require similar environments for installing and running them.

In this guide, we will show you the features of Pydio and ownCloud, and how Pydio and ownCloud stand when compared with each other.

Pydio vs ownCloud: Storage and Sync

Pydio - Pydio vs ownCloud


The cloud storage and sync platform, Pydio, enables you to store your files and data in a central server and sync them with your laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, etc. You can install Pydio on a server then use it to store your files and data. Pydio sync client for laptops and desktop computers called PydioSync is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. In Pydio, you can also access your files from the web interface using a browser.

PydioSync lets you control the way in which you want to sync Pydio server and Pydio client, for example, you can turn on real-time, manual, or time based synchronization. In Pydio, admins can control whether users would be able to sync a workspace or not, and to select a workspace or only a subfolder to sync with. Also, you can pause and resume the file syncing process.

ownCloud - Pydio vs ownCloud


Using ownCloud server, you can store your files, folders, photos, contacts, calender, etc. on a server and sync them with your devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. In addition to storing data on the ownCloud server, ownCloud also lets you to add external storage to your ownCloud with Dropbox, SWIFT, FTPs, Google Docs, S3, etc.

You can easily access all your files and data stored on ownCloud server using the ownCloud's web interface or by using the ownCloud sync client application which is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. ownCloud allows you to sync one or more folders, and using its version control feature, you can find out the previous version of your files and bring them back. You can also recover your accidently deleted files in ownCloud.

Pydio vs ownCloud: Sharing and Collaboration


Pydio comes with features which allows you to share files and folders as links with both internal and external users. Pydio also lets you to create public minisites for publishing lists of documents on the Internet. This might be useful for companies and organisations which want to share documents and files publicly. Pydio notifies you when a file or a folder is modified and shows you which files have been shared.

Using Pydio, you can create users and groups, and the groups can be mapped directly from Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or an Active Directoty (AD). You can also map users and groups from the most common PHP based CMSs. Pydio also has features for user authentication and Single sign-on (SSO) from Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla.


ownCloud allows you to create users and groups, and share files and folders with them. In ownCloud, you can share a file with ownCloud users and with the public by creating a public link to the file. In ownCloud, you can also filter out and see which files and folders are shared with you, the files you have shared, the files shared using a link, and the name of the owner of the file who shared the file with you. Admins in ownCloud can force users to set passwords on a publicly shared link to protect it and ensure its security.

ownCloud comes with a number of features for the management of users and groups. In ownCloud, you can edit rich text documents from within a browser. Using the real-time collaborative editing feature of ownCloud, up to five users can securely edit a DOC or an ODT file from inside a browser.

Pydio vs ownCloud: Privacy, Security, and Encryption


To defeat the most easiest security and privacy flaws, you should access Pydio using HTTPS instead of HTTP to use the SSL encryption. Using SSL encryption while communicating with Pydio is the easiest way to prevent the interception of any information when it is moving between Pydio and the browser.

For encryption of the files and data stored on the server, Pydio currently uses EncFS which is based on the encryption of data on the File System. The decryption of the encrypted files is only done during a user session.


You should access ownCloud using HTTPS to enable SSL encryption while communicating with ownCloud server. To encrypt the files and data stored in ownCloud server, you first need to enable the encryption app which comes with ownCloud. If the encryption app is enabled, both encryption and decryption of files is done on the server side in the ownCloud server.

The encryption app of ownCloud is especially useful if you are using an external storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive to store your files and data. If encryption is enabled, ownCloud will encrypt all your files and data on the server before they are sent to the third party cloud storage service which protects your data and privacy.


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