Installing WordPress on Wamp Server

In this guide, we will show you how to install WordPress on WAMP. If you are using a Windows operating system, such as Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10, you might want to use WAMP to install WordPress locally on your computer.


To install WordPress on WAMP, you need to have WampServer installed on your computer. You can see our guide on installing and using WampServer on Windows.

1) Download WordPress

To start installing WordPress on WampServer, you need to download WordPress. Go to and download WordPress on your computer as shown below. You can easily extract a ZIP compressed file on a Windows PC without using any other software. So if you don't want to install any program to extract TAR.GZ compressed files, you can download the ZIP file. After WordPress has been downloaded to your computer, extract the compressed ZIP or TAR.GZ file. The extracted file contains a folder named "wordpress".

Download WordPress - Installing WordPress on Wamp

2) Keep the "wordpress" folder in the "www" directory of WampServer

Copy the "wordpress" folder which you have extracted from the compress file and paste it in the "C:\wamp\www" directory of WampServer. The final folder path should look like C:\wamp\www\wordpress.

3) Create a Database for WordPress

To install WordPress on WampServer, you need a MySQL database. You can see the guide on how to create a database in WampServer.

4) Start Installing WordPress on WampServer

Make sure that Apache, MySQL, and PHP are running in WAMP. Start a web browser, write "localhost/wordpress" in the address bar, then press the enter key. You will see the setup page as shown below. Read the instructions then click on the "Let's Go" button.

WordPress Installation Instructions

5) Enter the Database connection details

Now, enter the database connection details as shown below. You will need to enter the name of the database created earlier in this guide.

Database Name: Database name created by you.

User Name: This is the user name of the MySQL user. The default MySQL user is "root". Enter "root" in this field.

Password: Keep this field empty. The default password for MySQL is empty.

Database Host: localhost

Table Prefix: keep it default.

Enter WordPress Database Details

6) Enter your WordPress Blog or Site Details

Enter the details of your Blog or website.

Site Title is the name your WordPress blog or website.

Enter Username and Password for your WordPress blog or website. You will need the username and password to login into WordPress after it has been installed.

Enter your E-mail. Click on Install WordPress.

Enter WordPress Blog Details

If you see the page as shown below, WordPress has been installed on WampServer. Now you can log in into your WordPress blog.

WordPress Installed

After log in, you will see Dashboard.

WordPress Dashboard

Congratulations, you have installed WordPress on WampServer. Now, your WordPress blog is ready to be configured.

If you wish to create your blog or website without coding, you might want to try Webflow.


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