Telegram enables you to send and receive all type of files including photos, videos, and normal text messages, and a variety of information such as contacts and location. Although the interface of Telegram for desktop is simple, a help guide showing how to use its various features would be quite useful.
To know how to use Telegram app on Android, you can see how to install Telegram and use it on Android.
In our previous guide on Telegram we showed you how to install Telegram on your Windows PC. You can visit here to know how to install Telegram messenger on Windows and configure it to start sending messages.
Now, let's see how to use Telegram messenger on Windows
The image below shows the interface of Telegram for desktop in Windows.
Add a new contact in Telegram
To be able to send messages to other Telegram users, first you will need to add them to your Telegram contacts. To add a new contact, click on Contacts at the top, click on Add Contact, and then enter the contact details. Remember, the number entered here must be associated with a Telegram account.
Add a new contact.
Send a message using Telegram
After adding a contact, you can click on the contact on the left side and start typing your message as shown below. After typing your message, click on Send to send it. If you see one green tick next to a message in the chat screen, it means the message has been sent from your device.
If you see two green ticks as shown below, it means the message has been received by the recipient's device.
How to send photos and other files in Telegram?
Using Telegram, you can send photos, videos, documents, and other type of files very easily. To send a photo in a message, take your mouse over the paper clip icon as shown below. Click on Photo to attach a photo, and click on File to attach other types of files such as videos, zip files, pdf documents, etc.
The image below shows a photo attached to a message in Telegram.
How to edit or delete a contact in Telegram?
To edit or delete a contact in Telegram on Windows, first select a contact on the left side, then click on the top white area as shown below. You will see the links for editing and deleting the contact on the right side. In addition to editing and deleting a contact, you can delete the history of chat related to the selected contact by clicking on Clear history at the bottom.
For all other configurations supported by Telegram for desktop such as changing your profile photo, enabling desktop notifications, changing the size of the screen, logging out, etc., you can click on Settings at the top left.