Telegram for Android is a fast and powerful instant messaging app which comes with lots of useful features such as encrypted messages, unlimited cloud storage, sending and receiving any type of files, secret chats, self-destructing chats, etc.
You can install Telegram for Android easily and use it on your Android device in many languages including English, Spanish, German, Arabic, Dutch, and Italian. Telegram for Android can be used in other languages which are supported by external language packs.
Install Telegram App on Android
To download Telegram for Android, go to the Google play Android app store at You can visit the above link from your android phone or tablet to download and install Telegram Messenger app.
SMS activation and registration
When you launch the Telegram app after installing it, you will see the window showing Start Messaging button. Tap (touch and leave) the Start Messaging button.
In the next displayed screen, Telegram will ask you to select your country and to enter your phone number. After selecting your country and entering your phone number, tap Done at the top-right, Telegram will send an activation code via SMS to this phone number.
Enter the code which you received in your SMS from Telegram.
After verification, Telegram will take you to its registration screen where it will ask you to enter your name. Enter your name then tap Done.
How to Use Telegram on Android?
Add a new Contact
If you are using your phone number for the first time in Telegram and you don't have any contacts and chat records associated with this number in Telegram, you will need to add new contacts to start messaging.
Telegram looks for phone numbers in the contacts list of your Android phone and if any number is associated with a Telegram account, you can see those contacts in Telegram and start messaging them. So if you want to chat with your friend using Telegram, you can ask your friends to register with Telegram and make sure you have their phone numbers in your phone's contacts list.
Alternatively, you can also invite your friends from other apps like WhatsApp in Telegram. To do this, tap on the menu button of your Android device, select Contacts, tap on Invite Friends, and then select the app from which you want to invite your friends.
Sending a message using Telegram
Unlike most instant messaging clients, Telegram messenger lets you send normal text messages and any type of files. These messages are stored in the cloud. Since normal messages are stored in the cloud, you can synchronize them to all of your devices including your desktops. To start a chat in Telegram, tap the new message icon at the top-right, and then select the contact with whom you want to chat.
Now, in the chat window you can type a message and tap the paper plane icon to send it.
How to send photos, videos, and other type of files using Telegram?
In the chat window, tap the paper clip icon at the top. Telegram will show you the options to attach photo from Gallery or from your phone camera. You can also attach videos, documents, locations, etc.
How to send message using secret chat in Telegram for Android?
Go to our Secret Chat Guide for Telegram on Android.
Other Settings in Telegram for Android
For other type of settings such as notifications, chat background, blocked users, logging out, tap on the Menu button of your android device and select Settings.
Changing your profile photo and name in Telegram Settings
To change the profile photo, tap on the profile photo in Settings and follow the instructions. To edit your name, tap on the pencil icon next to your profile photo.
Changing the language in Telegram messenger
In settings, tap on Language and select your language.
To log out, go to the bottom of the settings page and tap on Log Out.